瑞和街公共圖書館 場地

Name 瑞和街公共圖書館 場地Copy
Type 場地
Address 九龍官塘瑞和街9號瑞和街市政大廈五至六樓Copy
Category 圖書館
Phone 2927 3055Copy
Fax 2793 2774
Email swspl@lcsd.gov.hk
Opening hours 星期一:12:00 noon~8:00p.m. 星期二至六:9:00a.m.~8:00p.m.
Opening hours 9:00a.m.~5:00p.m.
Remarks 所有香港公共圖書館在下列公眾假期均全日休息:元旦日、農曆年初一至年初三、耶穌受難日、聖誕節及聖誕節翌日。(所有香港公共圖書館在下列日期將提前於下午五時休館:元旦前夕、農曆年除夕、中秋節及聖誕節前夕)

* Disclaimer: The data is sourced from the Hong Kong Government Spatial Data Sharing Platform. The data may be subject to changes at any time, and the above query results are for reference only.